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vagy északra? nu, utazunk az tuti :-) Ez egy utinaplo a deli felteken valo csavargasrol es van egy kulon fotogaleriank:

vasárnap, március 18


yellow eye penguinRara wrote:
Cadburys chocolate factory tour, got information on history of cadburys, the founders and how it came about. Went into the factory, didn't see how things were made because it was a Sunday but got to see the chocolate fountain, which is a fountain of one hundred tons of chocolate they put through a shoot, were told to stand back agaist the wall so we wouldn't get chocolate on us. One person got chocolate on their arm, he spent the next couple seconds licking his arm. We then went and all bought cadybury's chocolate to last us for the rest of the trip.
After the cadybury's tour went to the Speights factoy and went on a tour of how Speights is brewed and some history of how the factory was made and how Speights got to be the pride of the south. after the tour had one half hour of tasting time in which you were allowed to taste samples of all the beers that are brewed at the factory. one half hour of free beer.. not a bad way to spend thirty mintues.
From the brewery went to the Otago Pennisula to see the penguins, or in our case one penguin. After a couple of wrong turns, and some very steep hills we made it to the Sandfly beach where we saw one yellow eyed penguin and some sea lions. Because it is such a popluar place to see the penguins a hut has been built to watch them in their natural habitat and not disturb them. This was our first penguin sighting of the day, after leaving otago pen. we drove inland to Oamaru where we spent the night. After dinner we drove out to the spot where the blue penguins were supposed to be and got to see one blue penguin up close and personal... at one point in time it got scared, after a car drove past, and actually ran into us. After spending some time watching the penguin, whom was trying to cross the road to where other penguins were sleeping we went back to the hostel.

Marcsi es a csajok elmentek a Cadbury csokigyarba. Volt film a gyar torteneterol es a termekekrol, de vasarnap leven a mukodest nem lehetett latni. A csokivizeses valakit eltalalt, aztan nyalogatta a karjarol a csokit egy ideig. Vegul kicsit feltankoltak csokibol, erre mar tuti nem koltunk a kovetkezo napokban.
Csoki utan sor kovetkezett, Marcsi es Rara kepviseltek kis csapatunkat a masfel oras turan. Itt mar tobbet megmutattak a valos folyamatokbol, de lenyeg, hogy fel oras korlatlan kostolassal vegzodott a latogatas :) Mi ekozben bejartuk a sportboltokat, es elkoltottunk jo sok penzt ket telies nadragra, alaoltozetre es zoknira. Itt mar jon a tel!
Ezutan kocsiba pattantunk es irany az Otago felsziget. Pingvineket akartunk latni es lattunk is egy sarga szemu pingvint, ami a vilagon a legritkabb fajta. Ez a madar olyan felenk, hogy tobb tiz meterrol egy famenedekbol neztunk le ra. Az elso pingvin utan kocsiba ultunk es lefaragtunk az utolso napi vezetesbol vagy 100 kmt.
Oamaru fo latvanyossagai a pingvinek. Persze lehet turara befizetni, de mi inkabb a kalandos verziot valasztottuk. Vacsora utan a fejlampakkal felszerelkezve elmentunk a tengerpartra. Es talaltunk is egy kicsi pingvint, aki probalt atjutni a partmenti ut tuloldalara, ahol a bozotban aludtak a tobbiek. Egy kocsitol szegeny ugy megijedt, hogy szo szerint atgazolt Erich laban!


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